Course Objectives:

This course will inform you on the minimum sanitary practices for managing biomedical waste in your facility

    1. Introduction

    2. Who is covered under the standards?

    3. Chapter 1 Quiz

    1. Overview & Definitions

    2. Segregating waste

    3. Chapter 2 Quiz

    1. Labeling

    2. Storing

    3. Chapter 3 Quiz

    1. Biomedical spill or leak

    2. Inspection information

    3. Chapter 4 Quiz

    4. Training Outline (PLEASE PRINT)

About this course

  • $24.95
  • 13 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Biomedical Waste Management Training

  • Applies to generators and transporters of biomedical waste as well as storage and treatment facilities

  • " Initial" training must be provided for new personnel prior to the commencement of duties related to biomedical waste handling

  • "Refresher" training to be conducted annually for all personnel who handle biomedical waste

  • Fulfills Florida Department of Health, Chapter 64E-26 FAC initial and refresher training requirement

  • Certificate awarded to document successful completion of the training